I blogged about my next business venture earlier this year and after a lot of tweaking and planning, I'm happy to announce the official launch of DaniaDee.com ! WHAT IS DANIADEE.COM? Being able to help others pursue their goals for the modeling industry over the years has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. People have shared their stories, dreams and aspirations with me and to be able to get them closer to making those dreams a reality inspired me to take things up a notch. I've been mentoring/coaching/consulting for a while now but mainly via email and word-of-mouth. However, I feel the time is right to take my services to the next level by officially marketing myself as a mentor/coach/consultant! DaniaDee.com is specifically for the purpose of marking those services to those with a serious interest in having one-on-one assistance with their entertainment careers. IS IT JUST FOR MODELS? No, DaniaDee.com is designed to offer one-on-one servic...
Written by a model/actor for models and actors. Whether aspiring or pro, this blog offers advice, information, resources, and real-life experiences from a professional, agency-repped, working model and actor that's been in the industry for 25+ years.