I know that tax season for the year already passed but I felt it was still okay to post about the topic of taxes and modeling since I figure it's never too early to get info that could help people out when it comes time to file next year (and maybe even give you a jump start on organizing your receipts and other paperwork). I've written a few articles on the subject (if you use the search tool on my blog and type in "taxes," the posts will come up--make sure you select the "Amodelsdiary.blogspot.com" option and not "Web") but this particular post is a bit more specific. I want to talk about write offs, also referred to as "deductions." You may or may not have heard this term before but it is a popular one--namely, with business owners, entrepreneurs and independent contractors. So what exactly is a write off as it relates to doing taxes? According to the site TurboTax: "Well, a write-off is any legitimate expense that can ...
Written by a model/actor for models and actors. Whether aspiring or pro, this blog offers advice, information, resources, and real-life experiences from a professional, agency-repped, working model and actor that's been in the industry for 25+ years.