I've talked about the concept of "booking out" before when it comes to working with a modeling agency but because this is such an important part of keeping on your agent's good side, I felt it was worth following up with a post to help navigate how to do this action properly. To refresh your memory: "booking out" simply means letting your agent know when there are days you are not available for either castings or gigs. Nothing is worse than having an agent submit a model, only to find out after the fact that the model wasn't even available to attend the casting or gig in the first place. This is why booking out plays a vital part in communicating with your agent. While no two agencies operate exactly the same, there are a few common ways to handle booking out. Usually, models newly signed are given this information as part of their "Welcome Packet." When in doubt, ask your agent what their preference is. EMAIL At the bare ...
Written by a model/actor for models and actors. Whether aspiring or pro, this blog offers advice, information, resources, and real-life experiences from a professional, agency-repped, working model and actor that's been in the industry for 25+ years.