While going through some old photos in my room the other day, I came across my very first modeling/acting headshot, which is the photo associated with this post. Aside from bringing back a lot of memories, I also stopped to realize how far the modeling industry has come, both the good and the bad. And it made me think about how differently the approach to modeling was just a decade ago. When I first got the flyer in the mail for a San Francisco open casting call, which will have been exactly 10 years ago for me in February (how time flies!), I didn't pursue the industry because I wanted to be a supermodel or to make a million dollars--I wanted to do it because it looked like it would be fun. That's not to say that I wasn't passionate, but during the time I was growing up, modeling wasn't in the forefront like it is today. There was no "America's Next Top Model," heck, there was no such thing as reality tv. I didn't flip through high fashion magazi...
Written by a model/actor for models and actors. Whether aspiring or pro, this blog offers advice, information, resources, and real-life experiences from a professional, agency-repped, working model and actor that's been in the industry for 25+ years.