So I'm pretty excited about one of my upcoming shoots because it is for a really awesome designer out of San Francisco, by the name of Basil Racuk. He specializes in handcrafted leather accessories for men and women. I submitted myself to one of his casting notices online and was immediately chosen for the shoot!
I'll be the only female model shooting with three male models (ah, the perks of the job!). Each of us will have a different theme, which reflects the style and feel of the accessories being shot. I met up with the designer, photographer, potential art director and two of the three male models in San Francisco yesterday to discuss the designer's ideas and concepts.
I'm pretty stoked about his vision for my role. My shoot will ideally be shot in a hotel lobby with a very modern, sleek decor. He wants me to play the character role of the "dominant female in the power business suit." It's supposed to have a very "German, edgy feel" in terms of my expression and poses.
He's even giving us a list of movies to watch so that we can get a better feel for the characters we're supposed to portray (sometimes even models get "homework" haha). I'll be sure to share my list of movies with you when I get them.
Each model with get his/her own solo shoot and then we're ideally going to do scenario shoots involving some or all four of us, which is going to be super fun. I love shooting with other models just as much--I think maybe even more--than doing solo shoots by myself.
There's much more to play off of and you can create such great, dynamic images with more than one person. The shoot is tentatively scheduled for mid February. The final images will be used not only for Basil Racuk's website (www.basilracuk.com), but also packaged for submission to a number of magazines.
Because Basil's work has already been featured in other publications, I have a lot of confidence that our images will be chosen and I will finally receive the almighty tearsheets for my portfolio. Fingers crossed!!!
Here are some images to check out from both the designer and photographer I'll be working with:
Basil Racuk (on the far right--those aren't the 3 models I'll be working with though, darn! lol):

A few press pieces done on Basil's work:

Here are a few samples of the photographer's work. Her name is Kelsey Winterkorn and her work is amazing! I definitely suggest checking out her website (Kelseywinterkorn.com). She specializes in everything from fashion and runway photography to editorial and product photography. She's traveled the world and has only been shooting for one year and is already published in a ridiculous number of magazines! We hit it off instantly and I cannot WAIT to work with her:

I'm definitely excited about this shoot for a number of reasons but I think mostly because it's something outside of the typical commercial/print work that I do, but it isn't work that is completely out of my element or reach. I love doing accessory modeling work and while some clients tend to still prefer the taller girls for shoots where height doesn't even come into play, I think by networking with Basil and Kelsey, I'll be able to start booking more gigs like this and ultimately building my portfolio with more magazine/editorial quality work. I'll be sure to do a post on here after the shoot as well as share the images when I get copies of them!
This sounds like the shoot will be a lot of fun and you are working with such classy people, the images are sure to be amazing.
Plus, if you get tearsheets out of it too, that is just a huge bonus :)
I am jealous!