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Showing posts from November, 2009

Tips for Putting Together a Modeling Website Part 2

So you want to put together a modeling website. Great, Iā€™ve done it and I can help point you in the right direction! There is more than one way to go about this process but since I can only speak for myself, this post is going to deal with information that I found to be useful in starting my website ( ). The following are basic steps that need to be taken in order for your website to go live on the Web: Step 1: Get a Domain Name Your domain name is the actual name of your website/URL. Make sure you have a domain name that is easy to remember and isnā€™t too long. There are many web hosting and domain name services that will show you how to do this. Go for the best price and make sure your domain name is available. If it is taken youā€™ll have to find a different variation. Make sure you go with a .com extension instead of a .org or other type. Donā€™t worry about buying a domain name with different extensions either. All you need is a .com. You can pay for y...

Tips for Putting Together a Modeling Website Part 1

Whether you have agency representation or not or are a freelance model, it never hurts to have a website. It's so easy to network with someone and simply say, "You should check out my website. It's..." What better way to get attention and show people that you're serious? And these days just about everyone is online at one point or another so having a website gives you additional exposure and can lead to your own online fanbase. So what should go on your site? Well, that all depends on you, the model. If you do runway and fashion, you're going to want to showcase that on your site. Your website's images and content should reflect the work you do, as well as show your diversity. The essential components for a web page include, but are not limited to: Welcome Page, Home Page, Bio, Resume, Gallery and Contact Page. When it comes to your bio, you can talk about anything but it should be related to your modeling career. What do you want the public to ...

A Quick Look at Actual Modeling & Talent Agency Contracts

I've talked a lot about modeling contracts and I know that this almighty document is one that many of you aspiring models may be wondering about. Lucky for you, I was able to find some actual contracts that you can read. I will state, however, that each agency has its own modeling contract drawn up and not all of them contain the same things. The only way you can get a real modeling contract in your hands is to either work at an agency or be a model who is about to sign one. Other than that, the majority of agencies keep their contracts confidential, and with good reason--not only do they want to keep the terms of their working relationship with their models safe, they also don't want the competition to see it. Lots of legal stuff involved there. I have a copy of a modeling contract, which is a SAMPLE--that means it isn't a contract from an existing agency--it's more so a template of what a typical contract will look like and a great way for you to get familiar wi...

Answering a Reader Question #57

Anonymous Wrote:  I would like to know what a standard exclusive modeling contract with Victoria's Secret looks like. Google is being entirely useless and hopefully this isn't proprietary information.   Hi, Anonymous, and thank you for your question--especially since it isn't about how to become a Victoria's Secret model! Lol.  Unfortunately, you will not find any type of contract regarding Victoria's Secret online or anywhere except if you end up modeling for them. Exclusive contracts are confidential between the parties involved and publishing such documents is going to get the person responsible in a lot of legal trouble.  Modeling contracts in general state the following information: - Duties of the model to the client - Duties/responsibilities of the client to the model - Duration of the working relationship - Exit Clause In the case of becoming a Victoria's Secret model there will more than likely be a non-compete clause, which states th...