Happy New Year's everybody (I know I'm a bit late on that but hey, I've been a busy gal!). Once again an entire year has passed us by and we're on a new slate and hopefully headed towards better times. I want to briefly thank all of you that are fans of my blog, my readers, my followers--basically anyone who has managed to come across A Model's Diary - Modeling 101--I really appreciate it. I am looking forward to continuing to offer my experience, advice, and resources to help guide you model hopefuls down the path towards becoming involved in the modeling industry.
I haven't really had a chance to update as often as I would have liked the past month but don't worry, I plan on having new posts up as soon as possible! After leaving Ford Models in San Francisco, I didn't jump onto the agency hunt right away. For one thing, I left for two weeks to visit Sydney, Australia to see family for the Christmas and New Year's Eve holiday season. I didn't want to submit my pictures and information and then end up not being available for casting calls or interviews. I figure if I'm going to do this agency hunt, I need to do it when I have made time for it and December just wasn't the right period to pursue it. Prior to leaving for Australia, I had a lot of things to deal with like packing, making phone calls, letting everyone know I'd be MIA for 2 weeks, etc. My art business, DDM Creations, and my writing career also had to take priority for a bit. But modeling was never far from my mind, let me tell you! =)
Now that I'm back, I've had a chance to sleep off my jet lag and really take time to look into agencies I am interested in. Of course I've got the choice ones in San Francisco, but I'm also going to go out on a limb and send my stuff to Los Angeles agencies. There are two major commercial/print agencies in New York that I'm going to send my info to just to see what happens. You really never know, right? Either way, I hope to have success with at least one of these agencies...and believe me, no more exclusive contracts!!!
I'm still submitting to modeling and acting gigs freelance, and there has actually been a lot of castings going on lately so I'm definitely ready and waiting to hear back from potential gigs. I'll be sure to let you all know how that goes!
Well, I just wanted to drop a note to let everyone know that I am alive and well and to wish everyone a happy and prosperous 2009! Let's see what happens!!!