For the past few days that I have been browsing Craigslist looking for the latest modeling gigs, I’ve came across more than a handful of posts from aspiring and established models seeking agency representation.
My first question was, “If they’re looking for agencies, what are they doing posting on Craigslist?!” In case this is only obvious to me, let me say right now that if you are seeking agency representation, do not use Craigslist to find it.
Craigslist is pretty good at offering modeling gigs and opportunities but when it comes to modeling agencies, this one doesn’t quite fit. While there are times when legit agencies, such as Ford for example, post on Craigslist looking for fit models, there are many fake modeling agencies who post looking for models to sign.
If you respond to these ads, you do so at your own risk. That’s not to say that there aren’t legit agencies looking for models on there, but this makes it much harder for you to be able to find out anything about the company—especially since a good number of them post little to no information about their company, website or contact info. For the ones that do, that’s great.
Of course in this particular post I am talking about models themselves who are posting on CL looking for agencies, not responding to an agency’s post. I don’t know how to say this without it coming across as sassy but if you are hoping that a legit and reputable modeling agency will respond to a post you put up on CL then you don’t know what it takes or involves to be in the modeling industry.
If you don’t live in an area that is swamped with modeling scouts or isn’t a large market for modeling, these agencies will not come to you. The reputable agencies don’t need to go to anyone for business—the business comes to them.
Becoming an agency represented model is not supposed to be easy. The Internet has already made agency searches somewhat more accessible by allowing you to go to their websites but I am really sick of seeing these CL posts from aspiring and working models who really think that one simple post is going to get them a contract (I cringe to think about the people who actually respond to them and what they claim to offer).
I’ve emailed a couple of these individuals and put in my advice about avoiding CL in their search for an agency. Some were very thankful, while others never responded. I know I can’t put an end to it but for goodness sakes, if you’re reading this post and have thought about putting a CL post to see if agencies will find you, do not do it!
This may be mean to say but I find that models or model wannabes who turn to CL as a means of finding agency representation are lazy or desperately lack the information needed for them to be knowledgeable about the industry they want to be a part of. Looking for an agent on CL is a great way to get taken advantage of by scammers, modeling schools and companies that “appear” as modeling agencies but do not have your best interest at heart. Play it safe and do your homework.
Find agencies on your own and learn what you’re supposed to about the industry. If you’re not willing to put in the time, effort or research, then don’t bother. If you’re posting on CL looking for agency representation, chances are, you don’t know a whole lot about the industry to begin with. Okay, my little spiel is over now…just had to get that out. LOL.
i actually had a quick question for you. my friend just got a contract with jrp (john robert powers acting and modeling school). i was just wondering if this is legit. do you know anything about it?
so if you don't mind, and have the time or if you going to respond in a post, if you wouldn't mind telling me when you post my e-mail is