Anonymous Wrote:
What kind of modeling can I do at 5'6. A few agencies in NY have shown interest in me, but usually tell me I'm simply too short to be represented by them. With all the competition out there what agencies to you recommend going to that may consider me despite the fact that I am two inches below average.
You are the ideal height for commercial/print, so unfortunately, no runways, however this type of modeling books very high paying gigs and can lead to a good career if you do well. Because the height and weight requirements are more flexible than fashion, commercial/print models tend to lead longer careers than other fields. So my best advice to you would be to look up NY agencies that have commercial/print divisions. They are out there, at least half a dozen you can look into. If you would like a list of these agencies, shoot me an email (check my contact info on here), and I can get that to you.