We started our morning super early (5am!) in order to pack our bags, and check out of our rooms. My boyfriend picked up my luggage and then I headed to breakfast with my roommate and the other girls. Afterwards, we headed to rehearsal, where all the teen and miss contestants did a full run-through of the finals show from the opening number to the mock crowning. We all learned where to stand, enter, and exit, as well as what the routine would be if we won. This was also the night were we got to introduce ourselves to the audience.
Because the show was scheduled for 3pm, we rehearsed all morning, took a break for lunch, and then immediately went to our dressing rooms, where we had to wear our swimsuits again for the final show.
I didn't make the top 15, which meant the rest of the night would be simple for me. All of the non-finalists were required to do a final walk in our swimwear, head back to our dressing rooms, change into evening gown, and do a final walk in our evening gowns. Then we all came back onstage in our evening gowns to watch the final crowing.
Because I like to practice what I preach in terms of being cordial and a good sport, I will say that while I was disappointed that I did not win or place in the top 15, I (and all the other girls) were more disappointed that someone more deserving of the crown didn't win. But that's the way pageants are sometimes and regardless of the outcome, I have built some amazing memories, and made some new best friends. I am thankful that I made it this far and hope that my participation in this pageant will open new doors for me. The first row of the audience was made up of casting agencies from all over, so I am hopeful that one or more will have seen my potential and contact me. My boyfriend was there afterwards with a big hug and kiss and that made me feel really good.
I didn't shed a tear and the only time I got teary was seeing some of the other girls crying. They were devastated. I went to one of the girls and hugged her tightly and told her that she rocked it and shouldn't feel bad. She cried that her whole family was there and they she felt she had let them down so I told her that the good thing about family is that we are always winners to them. She perked up after that and I set about making my rounds, making sure that the other girls knew they had done a great job. Then I settled down with my new friends and got phone numbers and other contact info, packed the rest of my stuff and practically flew into my boyfriend's arms!
After leaving the Riviera Resort & Spa after the finals show, we went straight to Jack in the Box, where I ordered a Bacon Ultimate Cheeseburger, Bacon & Cheddar Potato Wedges and a huge Lemonade...and we totally pigged out back at our hotel room! Then I got some much needed rest, and the next morning, my boyfriend and I got into our car and I said goodbye to the quaint little town of Palm Springs and was homeward bound.
It feels good to be home!!!