Washington Wrote:
Is the fee ligit? $1,500. The company sponsoring is called: K2 Productions, Inc.
Hello, Washington, and thanks for the question. K2 Productions, Inc. is the company responsible for putting together the Miss California USA Pageant. I had the opportunity to work closely with the main players involved in K2 Productions during my time as a 2009 Miss California USA contestant. They've been heading this operation for some time now. The $1,500 fee is legit and quite common in the pageant industry. Smaller, local pageants are usually a few hundred dollars but upscale productions such as Miss California, Miss USA, and Miss Universe require hefty entry fees that are thousands of dollars. Many title holders have their fees paid as a part of their winner's package, while other contestants have the option of paying the fees themselves or finding sponsors to help. Using sponsors is highly encouraged and pageant contestants are given the chance to sell ad space in the pageant's program book, which also goes towards paying down the balance of their entry fee.
While astronomical, such fees are required to put the pageant together in the first place. These fees cover the cost of the hotel accommodations/lodging, meals, security, transportation, courtesies, production costs, delegate photos, and ad design. A lot of work goes towards making a pageant possible and even though the fees are not fun to pay, it's the only way the pageantry system has been able to survive.
If you're thinking about entering a pageant, definitely do your homework. I would suggest targeting a smaller, more local pageant in your area. The costs are typically much more affordable than competing at the state and national level.