So that being said, I'm reaching out in this post to my Modeling 101 blog readers from Northern California...Dania Denise wants to meet you!!!
Because I know my readers are all from different parts of Norther Cali and are from various backgrounds/walks of life, in order to make the 1st ever Dania Denise Meet & Greet successful, I'm going to need your help and participation! If you live in Northern California and are interested in meeting me, please, please, please follow these instructions so I can make this first-time event as successful as possible:
Send me an email (daniadenise@gmail.com) and copy/paste the following information in the body of your email (Please put the following in the Subject Line: [first name] MEET & GREET):
a) Name (first name is fine, I don't need your full name--I'm very aware that many of you are underage and concerned about online safety)
b) Age
c) City where you are located--OR list the largest city closest to you (for example: if you live in a small town but are near Sacramento, then say you are close to Sacramento)...no addresses needed.
d) Which Northern California city is the easiest for you to drive to for a possible meet & greet (you can choose more than one):
- Sacramento
- Fairfield/Vallejo
- San Francisco
- Oakland
- San Jose
e) Are you a student? If so, are you currently in school? (I don't need to know where you go to school but schedule-wise I may want to choose a weekend so that I don't cut out the students in class during the week)
f) Do weekdays or weekends work better for you to do a meet & greet?
g) What day(s) and time is best? (Example: Friday, Saturday, Sunday...morning, afternoon, evening?)
h) How many people do you think will come with you to the meet & greet? (parents and friends are welcome to come but you should probably leave any babies or young children at home)
Please email me these questions with your answers in them and after I've gotten an email from everyone I will compare answers and choose a location and time that works for the majority of people. I plan on doing more meet & greets in the future so if you are not able to make it to the first one, don't worry, I will be sure to set up another one for the Northern California area. You can also leave a blog comment with your answers to these questions but I would prefer an email so that you can keep that kind of information between you and me. Once I receive your emails I will send out email blasts to announce the details when a date and time have been set as well as info about what to bring, etc.
Looking forward to the emails!