I got the title of this post from one of the photographers I work with and I thought it was such a simple statement/question that had so much food for thought contained in it.
I find it comical that there are so many girls out here who call themselves "models", yet all they really have are a bunch of pictures and no resume or agency representation. In those cases, they are just pretty girls who take pictures. Sometimes people get the misconception that if you do a bunch of photoshoots and have a nice portfolio to show off, that qualifies them as a model.
Well, I guess I shouldn't say they can't be called "models," so for lack of a better word, I refer to those types of individuals as "non-working models." I don't know of many people who want to model but not make any money or get any real exposure.
So please don't get confused about it...in general (correct me if I'm wrong), the goal of being a model is to be a "working model" who not only has a great arsenal of professional, quality images, but a resume with actual jobs they've booked, tearsheets, and payment for their services.
I'm sorry but if you've spent your time taking pictures and haven't accomplished any of the above, then you are not a working model--you're just a person or a "model" who takes pictures. Unless you're completely stuck on yourself and enjoy having nice pictures of yourself, you should always strive to be better than that.
While modeling is fun, it's even more rewarding when you are getting compensated for your talents and services and are able to make it into a working career, either part-time or full-time.
I find it hard to take some "models" seriously when they don't have any past published work to show for their efforts. Even freelance models make money and build up a resume so saying that not having agency representation is the reason you don't have a working modeling career is no excuse.
That's why I don't associate with too many female models in the business. I've met too many who went on and on about this great shoot they had or this great location they went to do a photo shoot, yet they aren't paid for the shoots or compensated in any other way that shows they are making a working career out of it. I just roll my eyes. Haha.
If any of the behaviors I've described in this post sound like you, go through your photos and your past modeling experiences and ask yourself why you want to be a model? Is it just to take flattering pictures of yourself or to make a serious attempt at a career?
I'm not one to tell you how to run your modeling goals but if you are content with being a "model who just takes picture," do the rest of us "working models" a favor and don't try to take our title unfairly. Aside from taking pictures, we work very hard to maintain and build our reputations, resumes, and income. Take pride in what you do and do it well.