This great topic given by Glamour from YM.com will take a closer look at what models do 110% of the time: photo shoots. Whether you've done one before or not, it's important to know how a typical photo shoot operates. No photo shoot is always the same but there are a few basic elements that are always present.
Photo shoots can be as short as an hour and a half to two hours or as long as 4-5 hours. Most shoots rarely go past that, but it has been done before. But in general, expect to be shooting for no more than 4 hours. There are many factors that contribute to the length of a shoot, including weather conditions, loss of natural sunlight, delays in setting up, and moving to different locations, to name a few.
Pre-shoot: After arriving at your shoot location, you'll need to be prepped for your shoot in hair and makeup. There may be times when you'll have to arrive "camera ready" and in those instances, you'll be in the comfort of your own bathroom doing your hair and makeup.
But if you're being prepped at the shoot, expect to be sitting in the chair for a while. While your hair is being curled, set in rollers, brushed, etc., the makeup artist will apply your foundation, powder, eye shadow, lipstick, etc.
Next comes your first outfit of the day. You'll get dressed and the stylist will make sure that everything fits and is in its proper place. He/she will give you a once-over to make sure that you have the green light.
During the shoot: You better work it! Obviously this is the meat and potatoes of the process. You'll be striking your poses and may be required to change in and out of clothes, while having your hair and makeup retouched if needed. There may a change in location where you'll have to pack your belongings and set up shop somewhere else.
Post-shoot: Now that the work has been done, you can get comfortable in your favorite pair of sweats or jeans and get a snack or drink of water. If you're lucky, your photographer will let you get a sneak peek of your shots. After all is said and done, you thank your photographer and crew and go home to prepare for another photo shoot all over again!