If you already have a portfolio and have a couple of gigs under your belt, that's great. One thing you always want to make sure of is that you are updating your looks in your portfolio. With each gig/booking you get, you need to include key shots from that shoot in your portfolio.
Maybe it's been a while since you've gotten work and your photos need some updating. It's as simple as arranging for a TFP/TFCD. The easiest way to make sure you always have current shots in your portfolio is to do at least one photo shoot a month. If you're able to do at least two to three different looks per shoot, you'll have more than enough to update your portfolio.
In order to draw clients, you're always going to want to have something new to show. Take this time to do some looks or themes that may be really out there or something you normally don't do. You never know when such shots will come in handy. This can range from wearing wigs and crazy makeup to posing in costume.
Not only are these types of shoots fun, but it adds variety to your portfolio. I once came across a stunning photo of a model with extreme makeup and hair in a photographer's portfolio. You should have seen my face when he told me that the model was a man who was dolled up in women's makeup and a wig. Of course, I'm not encouraging anyone to add cross dressing to their portfolio--it's just an extreme example! LOL.
Try different and new things. Posing with animals will add a great dynamic to your modeling and future clients may like those shots and could end up hiring you for related projects because you've shown that you've modeled in this element before.
While it's fine to showcase your favorite photos, be sure to never submit photos that are more than a year old. You always want to be fresh and never outdated.