Modeling contracts can be very intimidating for new models so I've decided to clear a few things up about them.
What is a modeling contract?
A modeling contract is a piece of paper (usually more than one page) that establishes the professional and official working relationship between the model and agency. It also contains the rules, regulations and guidelines as to the duties and obligations the model must fulfill as a committment to the agency and vice-versa.
What does a modeling contract talk about?
These contracts basically give the essential information such as how much the agency will take as their finder's fee from the model's booking (also known as "commission." The current percentage agencies are allowed to charge per booking they get their models is around 20%), the way payment works, the types of bookings and jobs the agency will get for the model and the way the working relationship will be run.
What is an exclusive modeling contract?
An exclusive modeling contract is one where the model is not allowed to be represented by other competing agencies. The model is bound to this agency and must follow everything the agency says. This type of contracts give a lot of power to the agency and are normally used by the top notch agencies such as FORD, Elite, IMG, etc.
What is a non-exclusive modeling contract?
A non-exclusive modeling contract allow models to sign with other agencies (usually not within the same market area) and find gigs on their own. This type of contract is very common and allows a lot of flexibility for models.
How long do modeling contracts last?
Normally a model is under contract with an agency for a period of one to three years. Sometimes there will be an additional year added automatically, which gives both parties time to decide if they are interested in renewing the contract.
What do I do when my contract expires?
Your agent will notify you of your contract's expiration date well in advance. They will simply have you sign another contract with the dates adjusted. Sometimes there may be new changes to the contract so be sure to read this one as well.
What if I don't want to renew my contract?
This is a big decision for a model to make and you should consult with your agency and be honest about your reasons. But it is your right to not renew--no agency can force you to do otherwise.
What happens if I want to get out of my contract but it doesn't expire for a long time?
Try to avoid this type of situation. Breaking your contract, also known as breaching, can be messy and will not make your agent happy. Depending on your reasons, you should always try to stick it out until your contract is up. There are legalities that may come with breaking a contract as well as the fact that the reason you signed the contract in the first place was to honor it.
However, most contracts contain an exit clause, which explains exactly what you need to do in order to terminate your contract. A modeling contract can be terminated by either the model or the agency at any time but there are procedures that must be followed. Check your contract and make sure you go by the book.
sign, Help I've been fooled!
I have been with an agency for over 12 months and have now resigned.
They are telling me they can charge me commission if I work for their client direct.
I don't think this is possible. My contract had no time limit or information regarding fees which I don't think is legal.
Can you advise?
~ Dania
I've been with an agency for 2.5 years and my contract is for 3 years. I want out! NOW! they have done nothing for me. I wrote them saying I wanted out ( in a nice way) but wanted to keep it short because I didn't know what to say. If I can get out of my contract I have so many other chances for modeling already. I can't tell the agency that because then they will know they could make money off me. How do I get out? Last time I spoke to them they said "ok you can be released in 6 months" but I can't wait. My whole life is in Europe! my boyfriend and all my friends. HELP HELP HELP.
That blog has questions #363 onwards. Questions #1-362 are here on my Modeling 101 blog.
All you have to do is use the search bar on my blog and make sure to select the option to search my blog and enter the keywords "Answering Reader Questions" and the posts will pop up.
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I was just offered a 2yr exclusive contract by a potential mother agency. I took my contract home to show my parents, and they had a lawyer look over the contract. There were minor errors in the contract that needed to be changed. I am now negotiating my contract with the agency. I was wondering if this will make the agency not want to work with me?
Also is it normal to have to pay a website fee every year?and expenses for building your book?
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Before coming here I was told (verbally once again) that if I didnt like it here I could leave and return home when ever I wanted. The country I am in is not a safe country and it has a very high crime rate. I have been sent to castings in very shady areas where the people Ive seen have told me "are you crazy?!!? you came to this area on your own!??! its not safe!!"
I told my agency that I plan on going back to my country next week and they told me that if I were to try and leave they would "have me arrested at the airport for breach of contract" and that I have to remain in this country until I work off what I owe them. I'm running out of money for basic food and transport and all they are giving me is money for my rent and even if they were to advance me more money that would leave me further in debt.
I stupidly signed a contract that states I have to give them 2 months notice to end the contract and they are trying to use that against me to keep me here. I feel like Im being held hostage!!
can somebody please help me? I dont know what to do. Also the country I am in is South Africa.
I truly want to help you in any way I can so please send me an email and I will do my best!
"Model hereby engages (agencies services), and (agencie) accepts such engagement, to act as Model's exclusive Manager throughout the world (the āTerritoryā)"
Does this mean that I can't sign with an agency in another country? If not is there a way to change that?
Thank you,
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My wife and I signed a 3 year contract for our 5 yr. old son in NYC. And we live 9hours away not thinking about what or how we will do this. We need at least a month to transfer with my job. How should I approach this with my agent that as of right now we can't do "go-sees" that to give us at least a month to get everything situated. Right now they went to a go-see the day we signed and they called us back for another look with the company. Thank you
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Also How do I find out about open calls from brands/stores, etc on my own for my 1yr old son?
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I signed a contract with my agency about 6 months ago and now, since they're trying to be a very 'exclusive" agency in town, they're dictating whom I may hang out with and whom not. Also, I signed the contract, not knowing if it is 100% legal to sign a contract, if I am a student on an F-1 student visa who is about to go through an adjustment of status? I am trying to get out of this contract as soon as possible, and I also sent a request letter to be released from the agency, professionally explaining my situation and the information I'm concerned about. Any ideas? Is this even legal to sign a contract with an agency, even when at the last page of the contract it's asking for my SSN, but it's just left blank by the agency?
Thanks a lot!
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So I signed with an exclusive agency in Minneapolis about 5-6 months ago for 5 years and I just found out i will be moving to California in the summer and I haven't had the chance or guts tell my agents that I'm moving. I want to continue to model in Cali and wasn't sure if I can be with other agency like la models or elite and also with my agency now because agencies like that are also exclusive? Would i be possible? Do i just do a submission to cali agencies or do I let my agency deal with it? Because my agency and ones in cali like elite or la models are exclusive would it still be okay to sign with an exclusive one in cali and also be with my Minneapolis agency?
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I was wondering if model agencies can move with me or find work in other countries? I am an upcoming senior in high school this fall of 2014. There is a lot on my mind about college and what I am wanting to do after graduation. I am going to be attending college in Amsterdam, hopefully the fall semester of 2015.
This summer one of my modeling friends recommended that I attend the Runway Loud fashion show in August. She guarantees that I will get signed with an agency if I go. Considering that I am "exactly what they're all looking for" at 17 and 6ft tall, and as thin as a board. She says they would snatch me up in a heartbeat.
Should I sign with a modeling agency if I have the chance? Even though I will be leaving for college in just a little over a year that is halfway across the world?
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Please visit this link: http://amodelsdiary-readerquestions.blogspot.com/ and you can view your post there. Thanks for reading!
I got signed with an agency a short time ago and as I was re-reading the contract, I noticed some things I initially didn't. What is bothering me is the part stating something along the lines of "the mother agency is allowed to sign contracts in the name of the model." Is this common or should I be worried? (I don't want others signing stuff for me without my consent or knowledge as to the particular contracts) I haven't found any information about this on the Internet. Also, it's stated that they are allowed to use my name, photos, voice (which is ok, but also...) and something like "CV information" in the media. Any idea why it is even there? I am a little worried, because "CV information" includes my address and contact information.
Otherwise they seem like a solid agency, judging from the fact that they will only expect payment for their initial investments after I earn money via their help.
Thank you.
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I'm a 19 year old model that cuurently is one year into a 3 year exclusive contract with a top agency. After spending the past few months in NYC, I figured out that modeling isn't for me, and I'll be going back to school starting jan. 2016. My issue is, I've racked up copious amounts of debt with my agency and have no idea what's going to happen if i don't get enough jobs to pay it off. Their model apartment is insanely expensive (6 girls each paying 2200/month in a 2 bedroom), and i got very few jobs while i was here. The most frustrating part is for an entire month and a half of my 4 month stay, my agency booked me out and wouldnt let me work because my skin was bad. They insisted i stay in new york even though i wasnt working. I have 2 more months to try and get my debt down, but they're very mean to me, unapproachable, and not understanding of my VERY tight finacial situation which is hindering me from staying here now that they've cut me off from pocket money. I'd really like to leave NOW for the sake of my mental health and bank account, but i dont know how I'd go about breaking my contract with the debt complication.
Thanks! (:
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Please visit this link: http://amodelsdiary-readerquestions.blogspot.com/ and you can view your post there. Thanks for reading!
Please visit this link: http://amodelsdiary-readerquestions.blogspot.com/ and you can view your post there. Thanks for reading!
Please visit this link: http://amodelsdiary-readerquestions.blogspot.com/ and you can view your post there. Thanks for reading!
My name is Liz I am an aspiring model with no experience. I have always been told to go out for modeling (I'm 5'10" and measurements are 34/25/34) but I have always been slightly self-conscious and too afraid of being rejected by agencies. Now I am not self-conscious and I actually want to go for it, but I have one slight problem. I'm from NJ but I will be studying abroad in Hawaii starting in early January until mid May, I have been looking at a few agencies in New York but I am unsure as to if I should try to get signed to an agency here in NY or wait til I go to Hawaii. I have heard the term "Mother agency" but I do not know exactly what that is or how it would work. I could really use your advice, thank you.
I tried to post this comment earlier but idk if it went through so I'm trying again, if it did go through then whoops, my bad.
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