Candy Wrote: Hi Dania, I came across your blog when searching for tax information. I have been on the IRS site for hours and can't seem to find the form that I need to file as a freelance model working overseas. I have been reading quite a bit and have not found my answer, so I thought I would go ahead and ask you:) I read your blog on taxes that was written back in 2009. The only answer I was not able to find on that blog was what tax form was used to file your taxes. I hope you are able to help me:) Hi, Candy! I hope I'm able to help you, too. :-) There is no specific tax form in order for you to file as a freelance model working overseas. As you may or may not know, in the USA, clients often ask models to fill out a W9, which allows them to then send the models they've worked with a 1099 form for their tax filing purposes for that year. However, in other countries, they operate very differently and forms like the W9 and 1099 may not even exist over...
Written by a model/actor for models and actors. Whether aspiring or pro, this blog offers advice, information, resources, and real-life experiences from a professional, agency-repped, working model and actor that's been in the industry for 25+ years.