Just thought I'd update you all on what's going on with me and the modeling biz this weekend:
Saturday, October 20:
Photo shoot @ 10am w/Rich of Makodef.com, an online hip-hop magazine. We'll be shooting swimwear and dresses at Laney College in Oakland as well as the Oakland waterfront. Should be fun, AND I'll be getting all of my images, score! Soon as the images are up on the official website, I'll be sure to post about it so you guys can check it out!
Sunday, October 21:
I'm teaming up again with Anya Grzeskowiak Photography, and makeup artist & stylist, Michelle Yueh, for a photo shoot @ 12 noon in Oakland. This will be the first step towards the redesign of my Dania Denise website. The images I get from this shoot will be used as downloadable wallpapers for your computer...pretty sweet, huh? :-)
The redesigns to my website will include Flash intro and features, an online store--where the wallpapers will be sold--and all new, updated photos. Not sure when the relaunch will be since I want to do everything hands-on, but you can bet that I'll make the announcement soon as everything is ready to go.
Monday, October 22:
Photo shoot for two Black hair magazines, taking place in Fairfield @ 10am. I'll have my hair in fancy fish braids...very Afrocentric. To see an example of what the hairstyles look like, check out the website of the lady who will be braiding my hair (her work is being featured in the magazines): Jakki Braid Art. I'll be sporting a business suit, since my hairstyle is called "The Corporate Special."
Mostly headshots and maybe a body shot or two. It'll be a few weeks before we find out if the images from the shoot will make it into either or both of the magazines. Cross your fingers! :) Right after the shoot, I have to drive down to San Jose and head to work so it'll be a busy day going from one job to the other!
More updates and pictures to come!