Unfortunately, there are many myths and so-called "miracle treatments" that promise to get rid of your stretch marks forever. Before you invest any time or money, it's important to know the real deal.
You don't have to be overweight or pregnant to get stretch marks: This is a common misconception. The skinniest of people can still develop stretch marks and it affects both men and women, although women are more likely to suffer from it than their male counterparts.
Stretch marks occur when the skin is stretched over time. This happens not only during pregnancy (which results in stretch marks on the stomach and breasts), but also during growth spurts and even weight lifters that build up a lot of muscle will notice their new bulk can also be a common area for stretch marks.
Beware the miracle products and treatments: Because stretch marks develop in the middle layer of the skin, this makes it very unlikely for a topical ointment or lotion to penetrate deeply enough to completely eliminate your stretch marks.
However, applying such products or cocoa butter can help to lighten the color or slightly fade your stretch marks (this is especially helpful if you have those terrible purple/reddish type of stretch marks).
Even though laser treatments have been shown to reduce some stretch marks by 20-50%, this method according to medical experts is not a fool-proof way to be stretch mark-free. Laser treatments are most effective on reddish/purple stretch marks and ineffective on light, white, older stretch marks.
Take action sooner than later: The key to this is to begin treating the area as soon as you get your stretch marks. The sooner you take steps to tackle the problem, the better the results. If you've got stretch marks that have been there for years then chances are you won't be able to make much of a difference--even with expensive products and costly treatments.
Tanning for stretch marks is very far fetched: Some swear by using indoor tanning as a way to make stretch marks blend in better with tanned skin but this couldn't be further from the truth. The reality is that stretch marks are located in the middle layer of skin and contain its own pigmentation (color). Stretch marks don't actually tan, which can make them stand out more against your tanned skin.
What does work in some cases is the use of self tanning products (tanning lotion, fake bake tans, etc) because these actually create a layer of pigment that sits on top of your skin. But the results aren't always guaranteed. Remember, tanning under the sun or in a tanning bed is bad for your skin anyway so avoid it if you can!
Stretch marks don't mean you can't be a model: Just because you have stretch marks doesn't mean you can forget about pursuing a modeling career. It all depends on what kind of modeling you want to do. If you want to become a swimwear model but have really bad stretch marks all over your butt, stomach or breasts, then you may have a difficult time breaking into that field.
But if you've got minimal stretch marks or really light ones, these are easy to retouch in Photoshop and generally won't be a problem. Fashion models don't always show a lot of skin and are all about showing off the clothes so in those instances, stretch marks won't work against you. In addition to retouching pictures, many makeup artists use body makeup to cover up stretch marks.
In a nutshell, stretch marks can be worked around and vary on a case to case basis. Some clients don't mind working with a model with stretch marks, while others do. When it comes to modeling agencies, be honest and see what they have to say. You aren't the first person with stretch marks they've seen and you definitely won't be the last so don't over analyze things. As long as you take care of your skin to the best of your ability, you can continue your modeling career without a hitch.
I was under the impression that models didn't have stretch marks. I will look more into pursuing this career!
I have stretchmarks in my lower back, hips and breasts. They are pretty noticeable. I saw that you mentioned you also had stretchmarks so I wanted to know what you do to cover them up. Especially for fittings and fashion shows?
I live in Miami where most of the work is bikini.
First I want to thank you for your reply and tell you how helpful your site has been so far. As I mention before, I have stretch marks, so I figured I go the commerical/ print route. I have a couple of questions... What is the average price range for a photoshoot and comp cards? What kind of outfits do I need to wear for the comp card? What are some basic make up tips that I should and shouldn't do? My hair is in a short hairstyle, would it be better to keep my hair away from my face? I live in NYC, would you happen to know any photographers ? I apologize if I asked to many questions but I need advice.. I will gladly appreciate, thank you!
Your best bet would be to look up the websites of commercial/print agencies in New York and seeing what types of photos each one specifically asks for. Not all agencies want the same types of pictures. Knowing this info first will save you time, money and unnecessary effort. Oftentimes new models make the mistake of spending time and money on pro pictures and send them to agencies, only to find out that the agency can't or won't use them because they aren't the right type or quality they need in order to market a model properly. Once you get signed to an agency, they will work with you to help set up your first test shoot with a professional photographer. It is from that test shoot that the images for headshot, comp card and portfolio will be created.
I love, love, love your blog! :D It's helped me a lot. So, thanks a ton. :)
Um, here's my problem:
I live in India, in a rather small town and I have big dreams to make it in the modelling world. My dreams, though, go beyond India, since the modelling scene here isn't equally as good as America. As soon as I turn 18, I'll be allowed to move out and pursue my passion. As of now, I'm 15 and my height is 5'7". Do you think agencies like Ford will be interested in me? If so, how should I proceed?
Also, I got stretch marks when I was 14, is it too late to minimise them now? I didn't really know how to go about with them until I saw your post.
I'm sorry for all the questions. Lol. :P Thanks, again. :)
Please visit this link: http://amodelsdiary-readerquestions.blogspot.com/ and you can view your post there. Thanks for reading!
Please visit this link: http://amodelsdiary-readerquestions.blogspot.com/ and you can view your post there. Thanks for reading!
Please visit this link: http://amodelsdiary-readerquestions.blogspot.com/ and you can view your post there. Thanks for reading!
BTW for anyone desperate to reduce the appearance of stretchmarks, EXFOLIATE!! It really helps, and again, everyones skin is different but I have seen improvements and so have my friends. Right after exfoliating MOSTURISE!! It helps prevents the skin from sktetching more and replenishes the exfoliated layer of skin which makes it look better. PLUS... use products (although not 100% efficient) that have Collagen and Elastin. These are some kind of proteins that keep the skin subtle and youthful (im not good at science). These kinds of products are the best option if you choose to use them.
I also heard specific foods such as fruit that contain vitamins help your skin overtime. Grapes are good, they stimulate the proteins mentioned above :)
Goodluck Everyone XX
Many will assume that overeating is the only thing that creates these scars. While it is definitely true that eating too much too soon and packing on a huge amount of weight will cause stretch marks, there are other weight gain methods that can cause the marks.
I was signed to an agency when I was 16, which long story short, lead to a whole plethora of problems - lost a lot of weight because I was shy about going in for my first photos, rebounded, gained A LOT of weight and consequently have the stretch marks to prove it! I'm losing the weight again now (I'm almost 19 now though)and I hope to be able to go back in soon and continue where I left off.. but my hip stretch marks and the ones on the backs of my knees really get me down. They are mostly white now but I'm dying to know if there's anything at all that'll help to make them as faint as possible?! I realise they're never going to completely dissapear but will they shrink or fade?
If anyone has any information on anything that works?!
Thank you!
Please visit this link: http://amodelsdiary-readerquestions.blogspot.com/ and you can view your post there. Thanks for reading!
Please visit this link: http://amodelsdiary-readerquestions.blogspot.com/ and you can view your post there. Thanks for reading!
it's really embarrassing asking you this question but i didn't know who to ask...
i have recently started shaving using shaving cream. when i shave underarm, the hairs don't get shaved off cleanly. it leaves really small black dots (?). I think this is because of the root of the hair. I honestly don't know..because of these black dots i can't lift up my arms in case someone sees it...also i can't change to using razor or waxing because im scared...im really sorry for asking you this question! hopefully you'll have the answer to my question because I really want to know if I can get rid of these black dots...
Thank you!!
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Please visit this link: http://amodelsdiary-readerquestions.blogspot.com/ and you can view your post there. Thanks for reading!
Please visit this link: http://amodelsdiary-readerquestions.blogspot.com/ and you can view your post there. Thanks for reading!
I've had stretch marks for about two years. I barely even knew what they were and thought they were just temporary(good thing it doesn't look too serious).
Anyway, I have a question...I was just wondering if there are any short-ish models? I'm still pretty young, but I do wish to be a model.
Thank you!
Please visit this link: http://amodelsdiary-readerquestions.blogspot.com/ and you can view your post there. Thanks for reading!
Please visit this link: http://amodelsdiary-readerquestions.blogspot.com/ and you can view your post there. Thanks for reading!
You'll find the answer to your questions in its own post, titled "Answering a Reader Question #694," which can be found on my other blog: "Modeling 101 - Answering Readers Questions."
Please visit this link: http://amodelsdiary-readerquestions.blogspot.com/ and you can view your post there. Thanks for reading!
I just had a baby about 2 months ago and I have stretch marks on ny stomach, butt, thighs, even my calves...I just signed on with a modeling agency, but I didn't think to tell then about my stretch marks. What do you think will happen when I do?
You'll find the answer to your questions in its own post, titled "Answering a Reader Question #698" which can be found on my other blog: "Modeling 101 - Answering Readers Questions."
Please visit this link: http://amodelsdiary-readerquestions.blogspot.com/ and you can view your post there. Thanks for reading!
Is it too late to cure themļ¼Also with cocoa butter as u mentionedļ¼
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Please visit this link: http://amodelsdiary-readerquestions.blogspot.com/ and you can view your post there. Thanks for reading!
Please visit this link: http://amodelsdiary-readerquestions.blogspot.com/ and you can view your post there. Thanks for reading!
Please visit this link: http://amodelsdiary-readerquestions.blogspot.com/ and you can view your post there. Thanks for reading!
Thank you for sharing your story with me! Among the many skin issues we can have, stretch marks are especially difficult because they're always reminding you that they are there (mine remind me 24/7!).
I don't know if you've currently been trying any products or other methods to try and minimize their appearance but aside from those efforts, just know that not all modeling jobs require you to show skin.
When you sign with an agency they go over the types of modeling you are/aren't comfortable with and if you do a lot of print work, the odds of you showing your stomach and having to worry about your stretch marks will not be that high.
Even in the event that you have to do a gig where your marks may be visible, guess what? Photoshop is going to take care of all of that! Regardless of what kind of shoots you do, photographers are always going to retouch and tweak the images so they're not going to release images of you that show your stretch marks. No one will be the wiser!
The only way you'll know for sure what your chances are is to put yourself out there with modeling. Many models have stretch marks and it wouldn't be the end of the world if the agency you're interested in signing with knows you have them.
It can be quite the challenge to feel comfortable in your own skin, especially since at the end of the day we come home and see what everyone else doesn't. While it will take time to love every inch of yourself, I hope you find comfort in the fact that despite you being your own worst critic, your efforts with modeling won't be hindered as much as you think because of those pesky marks.
Best of luck to you!