#1. Thank you so much for this post! You are not only beautiful and insightful, but also a very effective writer! Well done.
#2. I need some advice - I am a freelance model myself, but lately haven't been able to get much work. I know your time is very valuable, but if you have a moment to respond, I'd like to ask you some questions. Thanks!
Hello and thank you for the compliments. I really appreciate it! If you have any questions or need advice, you (and everyone else that reads my blog) can always contact me at the following email address: daniadenise@gmail.com. I'll be more than happy to help you out and hopefully get you the answers you're seeking. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Congratulations! and I wish you the best in your career. I came by your blog while looking for ideas to design a composite for each of my kids (5 and 6). Your advice was very helpful. Thanks!
You writing is excellent and shows that a good education have you in the right path for success... Never give up...
What do you think was the best thing you received in the education from your parents that helped you focus on what-you-were-good for and what-you-like in life?