While browsing through the latest modeling gigs online, I saw that Ford put up a casting call on Craigslist looking for fit models. I spoke about fit modeling a while back on this blog but I thought it would be cool to show you guys an example of what an agency looks for. It’s no fashion modeling gig but it is pretty cool to try on the designs that have yet to be seen by the public. I’ve done fit modeling go-sees for Old Navy and Banana Republic in the past (although I’m often too petite in size to really fit the garments haha) and it’s really fun and easy work that pays well.
Here is the direct post from Craigslist that Ford put up a few days ago (note that they stress being able to stay at the same measurements). If you happen to be in the Bay Area and fit these measurements, now’s your chance so give them a call!
Reply to: gigs-668988457@craigslist.org (it’s probably better to just call them instead of email)
Date: 2008-05-05, 1:19PM PDT
FORD Models is currently searching for female fit models. You must be between 20-30 years old. Fit modeling involves trying on prototypes of garments with designers, patternmakers and merchants to help perfect the fit. More information can be found at: http://money.cnn.com/2003/12/09/pf/more_sixfigjobs/index.htm)
The measurement specifications are as follows:
Height: 5’8” – 5’ 9.5”
Chest: 35” – 37”
Waist: 26” – 27”
Low Hip: 35.5” – 37.5” (widest point around bottom)
Thigh: 21” – 23”
If you have the following measurements please contact us to set up an appointment. You MUST be with in 1/2" of the requirements to qualify. You MUST be able to maintain your size.
Thank you.
Ford Models
I've been reading your past blog entries and I'm finding them even more useful than ever, seeing as I MAY (it's still just a possibility) look into modeling. I'm trying to get all the details and inside info before I make any decisions. Reading this blog is probably the best source of info for me!
I know I am not tall enough to be an actual runway/fashion model (I'm only 5'6 :( Sadly ), but I'm researching my other options. I also am borderline plus size, so I will probably have to lose or gain a significant amount of weight.
Thank you for providing such great help to everyone! I'll be checking in often. (Oh, and I'll probably start updating my blog again!)
i'm a new reader of your blog but since you said i could ask any questions, i'll ask..^^
is a 13 year old girl with 164cm height and a lean body enough to be a model?thanks..
Of course you are still very young. So if tall genes run in your family, you may be able to be tall enough to do runway if you can manage to grow some more in the upcoming years.