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Showing posts from August, 2009

The Model Checklist: What You Must Have to Succeed

(This post is for both freelance and agency represented models but I'm writing this mainly to address freelance models since they have the challenge of representing themselves.) Modeling is a business and in order to be successful, you'll have to be responsible for making your career run as smoothly as possible. In my time and experience, I have come to rely on the following items to help me stay as organized as possible (I may update this list from time to time if needed): Day Planner Whether you have a fancy PDA or go with the old school hard copy day planner (like me), you will need to have your schedule organized. Be sure to mark down all events related to modeling such as castings, shoots and meetings with photographers, stylists, etc. You'll come to find yourself living by your day planner--having events recorded in this manner will keep you from double booking and also help you plan your agenda with stuff that's not related to modeling. Because I'm su...

My Busy Schedule

Youā€™ve probably noticed that I havenā€™t posted as much as I would like toā€”with the exception of answering reader questions and adding the poll to my blogā€”but thatā€™s been because Iā€™ve been so dang busy! Definitely not complainingā€¦Iā€™d rather take a hectic schedule over twiddling my thumbs any day! I was super busy for almost 2 weeks straight with various castings and shoots a while back (not to mention my other businesses and clients) and luckily I had a chance to relax for about a week at my parentsā€™ house. But wouldnā€™t ya know it: once again, Iā€™ve got another crazy couple of days ahead of me. Thursday, August 27: Head to Redwood City to do an on-camera interview for the Filipino Channelā€™s ā€œAdobo Nation,ā€ where Iā€™ll be talking about money saving tips for people that use Craigā€™s List to find, buy and sell items (I told ya Iā€™m a jack of all trades outside of modeling!). Friday, August 28: Head to Sacramento to Murphy Productions for a casting for a TV commercial to promote Frog Tap...

Answering a Reader Question #55

Anonymous Wrote: I have dark skin and it is uneven. I've tried glycolic peels and Retin-A for quite some time now. I am very self conscious about this because everything I do to reverse the problem skin isn't working such as eating healthy, staying out of the sun when possible and wearing sunblock. my question is will my uneven skin be a problem when submitting snap shots to agencies? in addition I don't really have acne just uneven skin light and dark spots on my face and neck. so how clear does ones skin have to be when trying to find an agency. because my skin is holding me back from even submitting because i'm afraid it's not descent enough for an agency. so i just need some advice please:). Anonymous, I feel your pain, I really do and I am sorry that traditional treatments have not helped your situation. In regards to the state of your skin when it comes to submitting to agencies, your skin does not need to be "perfect" but it does need to be "go...

Answering a Reader Question #54

Caroline Wrote: Hey, My name's Caroline and it's been my dream to become a VS model. I'm only 12 but my measurements are : 33"24"35 and I'm already 5'7". I've been planning to go to an open call at Ford. One problem (besides my age): My parents are a tad protective to say the least, and would probably disinherit me or something if they knew what I wanted to do. Do you have any suggestions as to what I could do to convince them that maybe modeling isn't the worst thing in the world? Thanks so much! Hi, Caroline, and thanks for your question. Your situation is one that many young, aspiring models are having to deal with these days. It is normal for parents to feel overprotective and chances are they've only heard about the negative side of modeling, which only adds to their concern about having their own child pursue the industry. In your case if you were to get signed to Ford, obviously you wouldn't be considered for VS until you were 1...

Answering a Reader Question #53

Ebony Wrote: What size photos should I send in? Ebony's question is referring to my post about becoming a JET Magazine "Beauty of the Week." It's an excellent question, Ebony, since JET doesn't give that actual information. To be on the safe side I would say to submit your photos in no larger than an 8"x10". You probably don't want to go any smaller. There are so many applicants for "Beauty of the Week" that you don't want your photos to get lost among the pile. The 8"x10" is large enough to grab their attention. Good luck!

Wardrobe Tips for Photoshoots

Dealing with wardrobe is an inevitable part of a model's career. Freelance or with an agency, you are going to want to know how to tackle the wardrobe factor when it comes to your shoots. The situation will vary from project to project. Some photoshoots will have a wardrobe stylist in charge of the outfits while other photoshoots may not. You may be required to bring your own clothing items or they may all be supplied for you when you arrive at the shoot. Either way, the more you know about the role wardrobe plays, the better prepared you'll be no matter what type of shoot it is. If there is a wardrobe stylist assigned to the shoot, expect to hear from him/her via email or phone. This is where knowing basic fashion speak terminology comes into play. The wardrobe stylist may already have a list of things for you to bring, or he/she may simply ask what you have in order to get an idea of what to dress you in. Of course the nature of the shoot will dictate the majority of the ...

What's My Secret?

I get a lot of emails from new models (and established) with questions about how I do certain things or deal with certain things. So I thought it would be fun to do a Q&A post to answer some common questions that I tend to get from inquiring minds. Remember, not all the things that work for one person means that it will work for everyone. With time and experience you'll eventually learn what works for you. When you find something good, stick with it! What's My Secret When It Comes To... SKIN CARE? A: Having eczema and stretch marks, I've always been super aware of my skin and do my best to beef up my skin care efforts to maintain "good skin." I cleanse, tone and moisturize once in the morning and before I go to bed. When I take a shower I use a long handle body brush to exfoliate from head to toe to remove layers of dead skin. I keep my skin moisturized to ward off wrinkles and flaking skin. I also use eye cream, which I apply not only to the area undern...

Addressing a Reader Comment #1

Anonymous Wrote: Wait a minute, Mark Wahlberg is only 5'8(173cm)that's quite short compared to others yet he was the face of CK underwear and dubbed as the hottest hunk alive. Height is not really a problem. Same thing goes for Swedish soccer star,Frederik Ljunberg who's stood proudly with the height 176cm and chosen again by CK to be their boxers model. I give full credit and appreciation to Calvin Klein who proved to be fair and square by not just looking at their height but also charm and confidence. Anonymous, I get what you are saying but Mark Wahlberg and the other man you mentioned do not count because they did not start off their careers as male models. The only reason they became chosen for CK is because of their "celebrity" status. Mark Wahlberg started as a rapper and then an actor around the time he was chosen for the CK underwear ads. Athletes like Frederik Ljunberg also get chosen because of their celebrity status related to their actual careers. ...

Knowing a Bit About Fashion Doesn't Hurt

Sometimes we tend to think of certain areas in the modeling industry as being black and white. But there are times when things overlap and I believe that is true when it comes to fashion. Most of us believe that unless we plan on becoming fashion or runway models, then having some knowledge of fashion isn't necessary--however, that isn't entirely true. The more you know about your craft--even if some parts don't apply to you--can only help you, not hurt you. When it comes to clothes and fashion I believe that it is helpful to learn the basics. That goes for both male and female models, regardless of what type of modeling you do. Even shorter models have to deal with clothes and wardrobe for photoshoots and in those cases, it is great to know what you're talking about--mainly when you're dealing with a wardrobe stylist. The people that are responsible for putting together your outfits for a shoot are fashionistas in their own right and in order to help them do th...