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My Busy Schedule

Youā€™ve probably noticed that I havenā€™t posted as much as I would like toā€”with the exception of answering reader questions and adding the poll to my blogā€”but thatā€™s been because Iā€™ve been so dang busy! Definitely not complainingā€¦Iā€™d rather take a hectic schedule over twiddling my thumbs any day!

I was super busy for almost 2 weeks straight with various castings and shoots a while back (not to mention my other businesses and clients) and luckily I had a chance to relax for about a week at my parentsā€™ house. But wouldnā€™t ya know it: once again, Iā€™ve got another crazy couple of days ahead of me.

Thursday, August 27: Head to Redwood City to do an on-camera interview for the Filipino Channelā€™s ā€œAdobo Nation,ā€ where Iā€™ll be talking about money saving tips for people that use Craigā€™s List to find, buy and sell items (I told ya Iā€™m a jack of all trades outside of modeling!).

Friday, August 28: Head to Sacramento to Murphy Productions for a casting for a TV commercial to promote Frog Tape, a special painterā€™s tape.

Saturday, August 29: Relaxā€¦maybe? Probably notā€¦Iā€™ve got art projects to tackle. So much for a little R&R!

Sunday, August 30 (Rescheduled--free day, Yay!): Photoshoot in San Jose for a classic pin-up calendar project. Not sure how the distribution is going to work but I believe they will be shipped and sold to soldiers in Iraqā€”a percentage of the proceeds will also be donated to a charity to support the troops and vets. Itā€™s for a great cause and everyone involved will also make a commission from each calendar sold. Not bad!

Monday, August 31: Head to Berkeley to do an on-camera narration piece for an online ESL program.

Another project Iā€™m super excited about isnā€™t slated to go into production until mid-January but I figured why not blog about it before my hectic schedule gets underway? Iā€™ve been working with a film director on a soon-to-be released documentary doing on-camera narration involving a teleprompter and green screen. Itā€™s been a lot of fun and the director is awesome.

Well, he contacted me and offered me the position as a TV host for a new travel guide show that will require me to travel for 2 weeks to either Hawaii or South America to talk about the best resorts, beaches, real estate and spotlight the localsā€”pretty exciting stuff for sure! He is the casting director and wonā€™t have the actual shooting schedule put together for another month but so far mid-January seems to work for the crew involved. Heā€™s already got things underway with producers from Los Angeles so itā€™ll just be a matter of time and finalizing the details before I have to make travel plans. Needless to say, I canā€™t wait!

I've also got more posts coming up to highlight recent shoots I've done, including a leg wear shoot for The Sock Boutique and a Microsoft product shoot. Stick around!


Andi saidā€¦
just found your blog... I like it! There is not many model bloggers out there.

Do you know of any?

If so, would you pass them along?

Thanks and good luck!!!

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