What are the chances for a girl like me?
Hello, Spacegirl and thanks for the questions! Because you've got a couple of questions in one, I will break them down one by one and do a Q&A format so that it's easier to answer and easier for you to read. So here we go!
Q: Hey is there such a thing as being to tall to model VS?
A: Think about it this way: VS models are recruited only if they are signed with a modeling agency so that means you first and foremost have to be a signed model. And the agency has to be a top fashion agency like Ford, Elite, DNA, etc. In order to be signed to these agencies you have to fit their height requirement, and the tallest you can be is 6'0"...however, some female models that are 6'1" were able to be signed and get away with being one inch taller but it's not a common practice. Nonetheless, you should still pursue it and see what happens but just be prepared for your height to work against you.
Q: I am 186cm which is just over 6' and i am the measurements required, i also have longer legs than torso which i think is what they look for?
A: Long legs are definitely a plus for VS and modeling work in general.
Q: The issues for me are that I am from New Zealand, and in no way afford to go to New York for a casting with an agency.
A: If you were able to get signed with a top agency in New Zealand, you can ask if they can submit you for representation overseas in the New York market. Many fashion models have agencies in different countries so it would be up to your agency in New Zealand to find you a good agency in New York so that you can work in that market.
Q: I am also 22, and is this too old to begin modelling?
A: In general, 22 is considered "old" but as long as you look youthful, that will work in your favor. Lingerie models have to be 18 at the youngest anyway, so at least you meet the age requirements for that.
Q: I wasnt really into it untill recently being spotted by an australiasian fashion label, but I have no work but a few runways under my belt.
A: You don't have to be super experienced to be considered and the fact that you do have a few runway shows under your belt is definitely a good thing. As long as you've got a good runway walk, you'll be ahead of the pack.
Q: What are the chances for a girl like me?
A: First off, just know that your height will likely be the main factor that could bring your chances down. But your first step is to find a legit and reputable New Zealand modeling agency and try to get signed. If you can manage to find an agency that will overlook your height, then that's half the battle already taken care of. Next, you'll want to start getting work and building your portfolio. Then you can have your agent try to submit your photos to agencies in the New York market to see if they like your look and will offer you representation there. That will allow you to work in NY and other places and hopefully you will be submitted to VS to see if you would work out. Be sure to tell your agent that you want to be a VS model so that they can see if you would indeed be a good fit and start the ball rolling.
Good luck!