For some time now I've been blogging, sharing my insights, resources and advice about how to get into the modeling industry. You, my beloved readers, have more than likely learned a lot about me and I want to know more about you! I was thinking along the lines of a "meet and greet" type situation where we could all sit down and I can answer your questions in person and in turn you can get to know me face-to-face.
I decided, well, if I ever plan on making such an event happen it would be helpful to know where the majority of my readers are located. If, during my travels, I happen to be near a "hub" of Modeling 101 readers, I could then post my travel plans on here and maybe arrange for a place where the meet and greet would happen. Is where I'm going with this idea starting to make more sense now? =)
So that being said, if I want to make that vision a reality I figured what better way to ask then to post a poll on my blog? Of course I couldn't list all 50 states on there (sorry my international readers, for now I have to limit such visits to the USA, but in due time, rest assured perhaps one day I'll make it to your country!) so I decided to name some general regions. Now, I'm not asking for anyone's residential address, if you want to email me your location then city and state will do--or you can simply tell me what large city you are close to. I totally understand anyone's qualms about saying where they are from, which is why I did a poll. That way you can remain anonymous. At this point I have no plans to charge a "fee" of any kind.
Nothing is set in stone right now...this is just an idea that I'm running with and if any of you are serious enough about it, I have no doubt that we can take this idea to the next level when the right time comes. For the meet and greet I was thinking someplace simple like a cafe, outdoors (maybe a nice park area in the daytime?) or even a hotel lobby--definitely a public place. For those that are underage I would encourage you bring a parent or guardian with you (your friends are welcome to come of course!). I am all about meeting the parents and letting them know who their son/daughter is dealing with. In fact, for those having trouble getting support from their parents, meeting me may be an added way to show them an insider's view of the industry that could persuade them. Will it guarantee they'll let you model? I have no idea but it couldn't hurt!
So let's see what the polls say and maybe by the end of 2009 some of you will have the chance to get to know me face-to-face and I can get to meet you wonderful Modeling 101 readers--without whom this blog would cease to exist. You give me purpose and I want to make sure I can help you in any way I can to reach your goals--even if that means coming to you!