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Tips for Being Confident as a Male Model

There are so many females in the world competing to be models that it seems they would be the ones with all the insecurity and self confidence issues, right? Wrong. Having trouble with self confidence is something that affects both men and women.

When it comes to pursuing a career as a male model, there are certainly more things to be concerned about than the average fella. However, only by learning how to be truly self confident can any future male model find a measure of success in such a superficial and hectic industry.

You Don't Have to Be Beefcake/Chippendale Status

It can be easy to assume that male models are all rippling muscles and six-pack abs. Quite the contrary. Yes, there are buff, beefcake male model types out there but that is not a mainstay requirement to make it in the industry.

Fashion agencies like their men tall and lean or toned, not necessarily super muscular. In fact, having bulging muscles everywhere is actually a hindrance for high fashion and runway. It all has to do with sizing and fitting the sample garments designers use. With swimwear, obviously being bigger physically is more acceptable but for more traditional garments (i.e. suits, jeans, shirts, etc.) the more desirable body type is one that's more toned than chiseled.

Putting this into perspective is one way for aspiring male models to feel less like they have to completely transform themselves into a hulking mass of muscles. As long as you're fit and healthy in appearance, there is a type of male modeling that will suit who you are, not who you need to change yourself to be.

Stop Worrying About the Guy Next to You

Sizing up the competition can backfire if you're not naturally self confident. There are tons of gorgeous men out there who all would make for great male models but as the saying goes, it is more than just looks. If you're so busy analyzing other male models at an agency open call or during a casting, that is time you're taking away from building yourself up to perform well in front of the agency or client.

This doesn't mean you should be anti-social or unapproachable, however. With time and practice it is possible to size up the competition to see who you're up against while mentally playing up your strengths and reasons for why you're the right person for the job or agency. There is only one you so stop worrying about everyone else and stay focused on what's in front of you.

Don't Be Afraid of the Mirror

There are a lot of jokes about the idea of a man spending a lot of time in the mirror but when it comes to self confidence, being able to love the reflection that's staring back at you has nothing to do with being an ego-manic or a male diva.

When it comes to physical insecurities, the best way to face them is head on in the mirror. It takes time to learn how to look at yourself and appreciate the things you both love and hate about your body but being comfortable doing this is a realistic goal that has to be reached if you have any hope of making it as a male model.

Of course there are going to be guys who can't resist stopping in front of a mirror in order to groom and admire themselves. You want to be the guy that looks in the mirror and smiles because he knows he is capable and confident in himself.

You Are Only As Good You Believe You Are

It's easy to psyche yourself out. Most new models do it without even realizing it. Male models with difficulty in the self confidence department tend to be the most over analytical. Being good at modeling comes naturally to most models. For some, it takes time and getting their feet wet in order to learn the ropes. Whatever your situation is, don't bash yourself unnecessary or fall prey to being your own worst critic.

Over analyzing or critiquing yourself too harshly might seem like a productive approach to bettering yourself but when you don't have a solid foundation of self confidence, it usually just ends up turning into a situation where you're picking yourself apart. Why do that to yourself? There are enough critics in the modeling industry as there is.

Shut Out the White Noise

Male models get criticized from head to toe just like female models. It is necessary for aspiring male models to not only go in with a high level of self confidence (not to be confused with arrogance of ego) but a thick skin as well. You will get feedback from clients, agencies, photographers, etc. that won't sound nice or very flattering but it is important that you put it into the perspective that it's business and not meant as a personal attack.

Lacking self confidence can make criticism--even if it's constructive criticism--seem like a blow that serves as proof that you should just throw in the towel. If that's how you currently receive feedback that isn't quite positive, it's a big sign that you've got to work on building your self confidence and thick skin.

A confident male model takes such comments in stride and knows that everyone has their own opinion. At the end of the day, it's what they believe about themselves that sets the record straight and allows them to continue modeling uninterrupted.


Anonymous saidā€¦
I'm an aspiring male model and I was wondering if you knew how much male models get paid for high fashion shows, ads, and campaigns. And for normal print modeling. THANKS!
Dania Denise saidā€¦
Hi, Anonymous! You'll find the answer to your questions in its own post, titled "Answering a Reader Question #642," which can be found on my new blog: "Modeling 101 - Answering Readers Questions."

Please visit this link: and you can view your post there. Thanks for reading!

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