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The Male Model Portfolio

The modeling world is filled with female models. That's no secret.

Because a majority of information out there is mainly geared towards women, it can make it difficult for male models to track down relevant info as it relates to them.

With my blog I've always tried to include posts specific to male models and hope that those of you out there interested in the modeling industry have been able to benefit from what I've posted so far.

Here's another post I felt was long overdue (as is a new blog post on here overall, haha) that should help you fellas keep your modeling career and goals on track.

When it comes to modeling portfolios in general, you want to showcase a diverse range of looks and themes that you realistically can pull off and that is appropriate for your age/target demographic you'd be representing.

Freelance models enjoy more flexibility with their portfolios since they essentially can branch out into other categories they normally wouldn't be submitted to through a modeling agency due to the sometimes strict physical and age requirements.

I'm going to keep the info broad to make life simple. Of course there are exceptions to the rule and other situations/circumstances so while there aren't exactly hard and fast rules when it comes to what you should have in your portfolio, if you're freelance it is up to your preference.

Agency repped male models will already have a portfolio established through their agency but may also have their own separate portfolios they use for freelance purposes. That's common. So apply the information below according to your preference and goals for your modeling career:


It goes without saying that a male model is only as strong as his headshot. It is ideal to have more than one strong headshot, although that doesn't mean you need a dozen. 2-3 is a good range. As you progress in your modeling career you will update these from time to time anyway. You always want to make sure you look like your headshots so as your appearance changes over time, so should your headshot.

Casual Headshot - Even if you're a fashion/runway model, having a casual headshot is a must for a male model's portfolio.

Examples of Causal Headshots

Headshot in Business Attire - Any headshot with a man in a business outfit is always eye catching and a quick way for potential clients to see that you can pull off such a look.

Examples of Headshots in Business Attire

Beauty Headshot - This is for male fashion/editorial/runway models (yes, even the fellas get to do beauty shots from time to time!). If you're a young man interested in this kind of work, having a great headshot that shows you can pull this look off would be a wonderful addition to a portfolio.

Examples of Beauty Headshots


Clients have to know what you look like from head to toe. This goes without saying but the looks for these types of shots should range from casual to formal and sporty attire. Remember to choose wardrobe that is appropriate for your age. You should look like the demographic clients would hire to market to their consumer base.

Examples of Half Body & Full Body Shots


Being able to successfully pose with a female model is always an asset to a male model's portfolio. However, the shots you do don't have to only be the kind found on the covers of romance novels. From editorial shots to lifestyle themes, you want to showcase the various "characters" you can play when it comes to couple shoots.

Examples of Couple Shots


For those of you that can pass for somebody's father, it isn't mandatory to have a "family man" shot or two in a portfolio but it doesn't hurt, either. Older male models who will commonly get booked for this type of role can certainly benefit from having these kinds of shots to show clients.

Examples of Family Man Shots


A good male model knows how to transition from the super posed, fashion world to the every day consumer doing daily activities world. Being able to pull off candid photos doing things like having coffee, being on a mobile device or laptop, etc. all make for a skilled model in any setting or theme.

Examples of Lifestyle Shots


steve saidā€¦
Hello Dania:

After reading your post, I see that I am missing lifestyle and family man shots in my portfolio. So could a father-daughter shoot serve both these categories? When I visit the Bay area in April, if there is a TFP photographer who can shoot me in these categories aside from the beach shots we discussed, can you connect us? Since I look younger with my beard now trimmed short, do you think my agent is less likely to cast me in roles targeted to the over 50 audiences?
Thank you,
Steve Norwood
Dania Denise saidā€¦
Hi, Steve! You'll find the answer to your questions in its own post, titled "Answering a Reader Question #970," which can be found on my other blog: "Modeling 101 - Answering Readers Questions."

Please visit this link: and you can view your post there. Thanks for reading!

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