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Did You Know...? #14

...According to a recent study done by The Model Alliance, an outfit that agitates for higher wages, estimates that the average regularly-employed model makes $27,000 a year. Part-timers and men make less.


Anonymous saidā€¦
Hi Dania! So, I've already asked a few questions (reader question #475) but I have a few more... If you were to persue fashion modeling and had the right measurements does your wieght play in? Like you're proportioned well had the measurements and height but you were heavier? Thanks so much! Love the blog!
Dania Denise saidā€¦
Hi, Ashley! You'll find the answer to your questions in its own post, titled "Answering a Reader Question #521," which can be found on my new blog: "Modeling 101 - Answering Readers Questions."

Please visit this link: and you can view your post there. Thanks for reading!
Farrah saidā€¦
Hello Dania,
I would just like to ask you a few questions concerning modelling. Well i'm 21, female, 5"9, (30-27-34). I've always been told that i look like a model, however i've never really been confident about my looks and whenever i see photos of models they always have those perfect features and perfect white teeth. Unfortunately, my nose is not tiny, it's not huge but it's noticeable, i also don't have straight teeth or soft hair. I'm scared if i try modeling, they would reject me because of these flaws. Do you think a larger nose and a few imperfections could be an issue? And also do you think 21 is too old to try Runway modeling? Last but not least, Do you think there are models out there who started with no confidence and with time they were able to grow and become more confident?
Thank a lot :)
Dania Denise saidā€¦
Hi, Farrah! You'll find the answer to your questions in its own post, titled "Answering a Reader Question #523," which can be found on my new blog: "Modeling 101 - Answering Readers Questions."

Please visit this link: and you can view your post there. Thanks for reading!
Anonymous saidā€¦
Hey Dania!

I just have a few questions. I've been working as a freelance model and competing in local beauty pageants for a bit and I'd love to try to get agency representation. I live in a small town in North Dakota though and there aren't any agencies here, but there are two in Fargo ND which is about an hour away. The problem is that I'm 21 and I'll be graduating college in a year (Dec. 2013.)
I'd love to move to a large city such as Chicago or NYC after I graduate but if I can't find a job right away, I'll probably stay in ND a bit longer. I know the economy is much worse in large cities and everything is more expensive, so the thought of living in one and being super poor freaks me out, which is why I decided to finish college in my hometown first. My parents are paying for my tuition so at least I won't have any student loan debt when I move. If I'm too poor to afford healthy food, a gym membership and quality beauty products, will my chances of finding success as a model decrease?
My main question though, is it worth it to apply to the agencies in Fargo if I'll possibly be moving in a year or should I wait until after I move and apply to agencies there? I'll be 22 when I graduate and I worry about being too old for a newbie but I also worry that the agencies in Fargo won't want me if I'm not sure how much longer I'll be living here. I'm also pretty busy with college and might struggle to find enough time for what the agency wants but that of course won't be a problem after I graduate.
I know it's unrealistic, but VS or the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue is my ultimate dream. I'm 5'9" with 35-25-35 measurements and 32C breasts but I lift weights regularly so I have a bit more muscle than most runway models seem to have. Runway looks fun but I don't want to have to starve myself for it. I read that most VS models start out doing runway, so again I worry about being too old at 22, even though I often hear that I look 18 and I wear sunscreen every day to keep my skin younger longer.
Last question: This doesn't seem to be the case in other states but in ND, the popular beauty standard is white skin with blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm white but I have light brown hair and super dark brown eyes and part of me thinks I'd be more successful if I dyed my hair and got colored contacts, but part of me would feel too fake and uncomfortable if I did that. What do you think I should do?
Sorry that was so long but thanks for helping me out! :)
Anonymous saidā€¦
Hi Dania! I want to apply to Elite Model Management but I have several options:
1. Apply to a local modeling agency in partnership with Elite
2. Apply to an Elite office in a neighboring country
3. Apply to the NYC office
Which option would be best for my modeling career? I'd ultimately like to be signed by Elite Model Management New York.
Dania Denise saidā€¦
Hi, Anonymous! You'll find the answer to your questions in its own post, titled "Answering a Reader Question #526," which can be found on my new blog: "Modeling 101 - Answering Readers Questions."

Please visit this link: and you can view your post there. Thanks for reading!
Dania Denise saidā€¦
Hi, Anonymous (#2)! You'll find the answer to your questions in its own post, titled "Answering a Reader Question #527," which can be found on my new blog: "Modeling 101 - Answering Readers Questions."

Please visit this link: and you can view your post there. Thanks for reading!

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