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Showing posts from April, 2008

Photo ID, Pleaseā€¦

Photographers have a lot to deal with on their end, especially when it comes to liability issues. Itā€™s difficult nowadays to tell how old someone is, and teenagers are no exception (have you seen the 14 and 15-year-old girls walking around lately? They look older than me!). For any photographer, shooting with an underage model has its risks, unless the shoot is age-appropriate and calls for an underage model. This is why many photographers state very bluntly how old they want their models to be when casting for projectsā€”this is mostly when it comes to shooting glamour, swimwear and anything involving nudity. Pretty understandable, right? Well, there are still models out there that misrepresent themselves and their age in the hopes of doing work that they are not legally allowed to do because of the adult/sexual nature or theme of the photos (why they feel the need to do this, Iā€™ll never know). Needless to say, photographers no longer can trust their eyes or the model for that matt...

Model Dorms

Letā€™s talk about model dorms. As the name implies, model dorms are a living arrangement where models are roommates in an apartment, condo or small house. The housing expenses are covered by the modelsā€™ agency. However, it should be noted that the fabulous houses and condos you see the models enjoy on shows like ANTM, are all hype. Even the most prestigious modeling agencies will not fork out such a huge expense on model dorms. So donā€™t expect to get a huge room with eclectic furnishings and cushy accommodations. Just like dorm rooms in college, the living space that models share can be pretty cramped at times. The rooms can be sparse, with only bunk beds in the room and a dresser or two or a little roomier with separate beds. But you will have to share a kitchen and one or two bathrooms, depending on how much space there is. New models often are relocated to a model dorm by their agency in order for the model to be closer to the work they get booked for and so they donā€™t have to...

Balancing Modeling & a Job

Aside from balancing modeling and school , there are many models that hold down part-time and even full-time jobs. You may be wondering how honest you should be with your employer about your other interests or if you should even say anything at all. I can only speak for myself and my experiences, so what Iā€™m saying here isnā€™t part of a rulebook or anything. In the past, I have let an employer know that I modeled and did acting on the side. They seemed pretty supportive of it but as time went on and my modeling career started to take off, I ended up having to put work on the backburner, which my company obviously did not appreciate. While they told me in the beginning that they were fine with what I did, they ended up using it against me later on. And I wasnā€™t even missing days of workā€”just the mere fact that there was something in my life that demanded my attention other than my company did not sit well with them. When it comes to the corporate world or any company you work for,...

Photos From the Art of Hair Fashion Show

So I finally got the images back from the Art of Hair Fashion Show that took place in mid-February of this year. I asked about the hair magazines that I did the shoot for and found out that they pushed back the date to June (boo!). I was originally told that the magazines would be out by April so now I'll have to wait a little bit longer. *sigh* That's one of the things I hate about the industry sometimes--the fact that it takes forever to get the end results from your shoots. Oh, well, that's part of the business. It'll be worth it in the end to finally have those tearsheets in my portfolio! These are candid shots that my boyfriend (of Blasian Photography) took of me backstage while we were waiting to go on. To keep our hairstyles a surprise, we wore hair scarves before the show. The other photos are of me on the runway, and my other model friend (and partner in crime) Alaina, as well as a group photo of all the hair models (the hair stylist had two younger models and ...

Want to Be a Victoria's Secret Model?

(*Due to the number of comments and questions I get from aspiring models about working for VS, please be sure to read my post on this very carefully. If you don't meet all of these requirements then you cannot become a model for VS. If you are not tall enough, if you are not signed to a top agency, your chances are not good.  If you don't meet the requirements, please don't be too upset about it. Find another field of modeling you may be good for. There are plenty of other modeling opportunities for models outside of being a VS angel. They may not be as good or as well-known as VS but it's better than nothing.) I know Iā€™d jump at the chance to be offered a gig modeling for Victoriaā€™s Secret (although I think theyā€™d be irritated by Photoshopping my stretch marks HAHA, yeah, I said it, Iā€™ve got stretch marks!). All silliness aside, the gals of Victoriaā€™s Secret are probably the inspiration for a majority of aspiring models out there. Not only do they get to wear the s...

Art Modeling Part 2

To avoid making a long post even longer, I decided to do a ā€œPart 2ā€ for this post about art modeling for those who want more information about what it takes. I was an art model for the San Francisco Academy of Art for about 3 years. I did it freelance in addition to my regular modeling and while going to college in San Francisco. The rules for etiquette as an art model are the same that applies to other types of modeling. Art models are required to be professional, punctual and easy to work with. Of course this type of modeling can be much more involved. For one thing, people canā€™t draw you if youā€™re moving so being able to pose while being absolutely still for long periods of time is critical. If you canā€™t even sit down without fidgeting then art modeling is not going to work out for you. Luckily, I was really good (and still am!) at holding a pose for a long time without moving. I used to pose for as long as 20-30 minutes straight! Of course you wonā€™t always have to pose that lo...

Art Modeling Part 1

Art modeling does not typically fall under the categories of the industry, but this is a form of modeling that may be of interest to those who are 18 and older looking to earn a great source of income. Art models have been used since the Renaissance and even before then. Today is no different. There is always a demand for art models. The great thing about this type of modeling is that there are absolutely no requirements. You donā€™t have to be tall, thin, unique/odd looking, a certain weight, etc. Art schools take models old and young, skinny and large, tall and short. Many art models freelance while going to school or some even do it full-time. The pay range is pretty good as well. A general range is anywhere between $15-25 an hour. Some prestigious, private art schools may pay models even as much as $40 an hour. Definitely not an amount to sniff at. Iā€™m sure youā€™re thinking, ā€œDonā€™t art models get naked?ā€ Well, the answer is yes and no. Just as with regular modeling, you will be...

Love Your Art

Anything you do in life that really makes you happy, that you are really passionate about, is an art form to me. Once you get involved in something that you completely throw yourself into you feel it in your blood and in your soul. Modeling for me is not something that I did because everyone else wanted to do it. I did not get involved in this industry because I had the media and reality shows to influence me. It was something I sort of fell into but it didn't take long for me to fall in love with my art. I can only speak for myself but I'm sure other fellow models know what the adrenaline rush feels like when you get in front of the camera or appear in front of a crowd. Few things in the world get me more exhilarated than sitting in the makeup chair "putting on my face," stepping in front of the camera and turning my model persona "on." With each "click" of the camera my mind is in overdrive. Not only because of the rush but because of the ...

Anxiety & Being a New Model

For you new/inexperienced/aspiring models out there who are on the search for an agenct, many things may be unfamiliar to you. Itā€™s hard enough to break into the industry but not knowing exactly what to expect can be pretty overwhelming. Sure you can read and research all you want, but itā€™s pretty different from actually going through the motions, right? Well, if youā€™re in this situation, rest assured, youā€™re more than likely psyching yourself out when you donā€™t really need to be. Sure, it can be intimidating once you start pounding the pavement by going to open casting calls or waiting for that phone call/email after submitting photos via snail mail or online, but why stress about something that at this point is out of your control? Many aspiring models ask what they can do to prepare to become a modelā€¦there really is no formula for this. My best advice is to make sure you are taking care of your skin/complexion, maintaining a healthy weight (notice the emphasis on the word ā€œh...

Dania Denise TV Interview: "Real Model Talk"

So I had the opportunity to be interviewed for a really awesome new television show called "Read Model Talk," which spotlights local up and coming and already established models in the Bay Area (Northern California for those of you not from around these parts). The director and interviewer, Mark D, was so nice and fun to work with. We shot on location in Oakland near Jack London Square on a beautiful, sunny day. The episode aired a few weeks ago on a local channel so it wasn't worldwide but with the talent and direction that Mark is going with his television show, producing and directing, I have no doubt that it will only be a matter of time before all of his projects hit it big-time. Thanks, for a great time, Mark!!! If any local models are from the Bay Area or surrounding parts and would like to be interviewed, Real Model Talk is always looking for the next model to spotlight. Shoot an email to and/or check out his site:

Tips for Being a Successful Freelance Model

Freelance models have a tough job. You act as your own modeling agent, find your own work and do your own payroll. There are definite advantages as well as disadvantages to being freelance but for those models who are actively doing it or if youā€™ve been toying with the idea of freelance, the following tips will point you in the right direction: 1. Know Yourself. The cool thing about being freelance is that you are free to pursue as many types of modeling as youā€™d like. There are many clients out there who donā€™t mind hiring a fashion model who is shorter or a commercial/print model who is taller, etc. Depending on what direction you plan on going in, have the appropriate photos, portfolios, comp cards and business cards (optional). For models pursuing more than one category of modeling, youā€™ll need to have the right images for each type and only show them to the right clients. * How I use this guideline: When I submit to freelance gigs, I donā€™t limit myself to commercial/print...

The Height Barrier Strikes Again!

It just seems that no matter where I turn, there is a height requirement. LOL. While I am totally aware and acceptingā€”for the most partā€”that there will always be a height requirement for certain types of modeling, itā€™s when it appears unnecessary that I become concerned. I received an email for a casting that was looking for spokesmodels for their Internet show that talks about beauty, fitness, fashion, entertainment, etc. Apparently they are running a spokesmodel contest and all you have to do is signup, activate your account, upload photos, and a short bio and from there, the judges will chose a winner. I believe itā€™s a recurring contest so it happens pretty often. The winner gets a $10,000 contract with the company and is guaranteed $5,000 in appearances in various promotion spots ranging from photoshoots to website work and appearances on the Internet show. Hmmmā€¦that seemed right up my alley! So I signed up, activated the link, entered my information and was just about to up...