ki~ki Wrote:
So, Dania
I have a open call today, I got my head shots and 3/4 shots ready and a pair of heels. I also have been doing a lot of excersing with my boyfriend and eating healthier. We did a lot of running. So, before I go today is there any advice you can give me???????????????????
Thanks Again
Hi, Ki-Ki!
As far as advice for open casting calls, remember that the agencies want to see the true you…not a version that you feel they should see. Stay true to yourself. They love upbeat, bubbly personalities. Walk in with confidence and stand up straight. Have good posture when standing and when sitting—don’t slouch. Always wear a comfortable smile and above all else, do not overanalyze anything and if you’re going to be nervous, keep that to yourself. Never let ‘em see you sweat! Wear little to no makeup (none is better if you can get away with it) and avoid wearing patterns, logos, brand names, stripes and polka dots. My suggestions for what to wear include: a tank top, cami or baby tee in a solid color that complements your skin tone and form fitting, nice jeans (no fashionable holes or tears).
When they ask you questions, try to avoid babbling. Give them honest and brief answers that are straight to the point. Don’t be intimidated by any of the other girls there. Once you walk in, the staff will be watching you (whether you’re aware of it or not) so be on your Ps and Qs. I’ve seen girls walk into agencies and the first thing they do is stare at the other girls or size them up. This looks so bad. Body language is key so appear relaxed, confident and enthusiastic to be there.
I’m sure you’ll do great so good luck and please let me know how it goes!!!