Anonymous said:
I know that your blog was posted in 2007, but I am hoping that your still may check it from time to time. I found the information to be extremely helpful, but i have a few questions.....I have great feet and a great torso and wanted to send my pictures into partsmodels.com as you suggested, but am unsure as to whether or not i should have the photos done professionally or not and if so most of the studios i have been looking at specialize in portraits or weddings and stuff like that. Are there specific photographers that shoot body parts?? Please help!!!
Lucky for you I did some digging and found out that yes, you do need to have your images professionally done if you want to submit to Parts Model in NYC (they definitely will not take snapshots or regular digital pix for submission). As far as what type of photographer you’ll want to work with, you should look into those that specialize in either portraits or glamour photography.
Portraits involve the face but these photographers almost always have the ideal studio, lighting equipment and backdrops needed, plus they specialize in tight shots, which is what you’ll need for your body parts submission so they’d be a good resource to turn to. Glamour involves showcasing the model herself instead of a product or clothing so while you’d only need body parts shot, a glamour photographer may be able to get you the right lighting, setting and poses together.
So look into both and be very upfront and clear about what you need the images for and how they need to be done. Find a photographer that will work within your budget. You can try to do a TFP or TFCD but you may not be happy with the results, plus many photographers always make paying work a priority, which means you’d be able to get your images right away. If you need help finding a good photographer, shoot me an email and I can help you find someone local to your area. Check the contact info on my Blogger profile for my email address.
This is what the Parts Model website specifically says for aspiring parts models that want to be represented by them:
What should I do to be considered?
You should mail two or three professional photographs of the "parts" you model. We accept photographs by mail only.
What types of photographs should I send?
The photographs can be color or black and white. The photographs can be any size; 4x6, 5x7, but no larger than 8x10. They should be clear photographs of the body parts you model.
Are there any specific poses you need to see in the photographs?
There are no set poses. If you are sending photos of your legs, you should include at least one full length and one photo from the waist down. For hands, photos can be of one hand or both together, two or three prints. For your feet, either barefoot or in open sandals.
What information should I include with my photographs?
You should include your name, address, and all your telephone contact numbers. If you model hands you also need your glove size (not small, medium, large — this is the number of the glove size you wear) ring size. If you model legs and feet, your shoe size. For females also include your age, height, bust, waist, hips, hair color, eye color, and age. For males, your height, weight, suit size, waist, inseam, shirt size, hair color, eye color and age.
Where do I send my photographs?
Our mailing address is Parts Models, PO Box 7529 FDR Station, New York NY 10150.