Ericka Wrote:
hi Dania! this is a random question i just wanted to ask, I was reading an article on a website and I can't help to notice what Russell James said about Miranda Kerr; "It's a fantastic combination ... people want to be around her; she's fun on a shoot ā¦ and she's not stupid, which can be a very annoying trait among some models." If you know what exactly do you think Russell James meant by stupidity is a trait among some models? like book smart... street smart, or doesn't know how to model smart. LOL I just wanted to know so I for one know what to watch out for, haha thanks!
Hi, Ericka!
From Russell James' quote, I'm pretty sure he's just referring to the common "stupid model" stereotype that many people--unfortunately--still have. In general, he's talking about how some models don't know anything else except modeling...they can't carry an intelligent conversation, aren't cultured, aren't knowledgeable about basic things not related to the entertainment industry like politics, news, world events, etc. Sadly, there are people that believe modeling isn't very hard to do and "assume" that models only know how to look pretty, take pictures and walk in fashion shows.
Of course stereotypes don't just come out of thin air, either. I have met and worked with some models that (I'm sad to say), were "airheads" and didn't know how to talk about anything other than model-stuff. It's so refreshing to meet models with "substance" and are aware that there is more to the world beyond the runway and photography studio. Having a combination of book smarts, street smarts and a wonderful personality are all things that, in my opinion, make clients fall in love with certain models over others.
hi Dania! this is a random question i just wanted to ask, I was reading an article on a website and I can't help to notice what Russell James said about Miranda Kerr; "It's a fantastic combination ... people want to be around her; she's fun on a shoot ā¦ and she's not stupid, which can be a very annoying trait among some models." If you know what exactly do you think Russell James meant by stupidity is a trait among some models? like book smart... street smart, or doesn't know how to model smart. LOL I just wanted to know so I for one know what to watch out for, haha thanks!
Hi, Ericka!
From Russell James' quote, I'm pretty sure he's just referring to the common "stupid model" stereotype that many people--unfortunately--still have. In general, he's talking about how some models don't know anything else except modeling...they can't carry an intelligent conversation, aren't cultured, aren't knowledgeable about basic things not related to the entertainment industry like politics, news, world events, etc. Sadly, there are people that believe modeling isn't very hard to do and "assume" that models only know how to look pretty, take pictures and walk in fashion shows.
Of course stereotypes don't just come out of thin air, either. I have met and worked with some models that (I'm sad to say), were "airheads" and didn't know how to talk about anything other than model-stuff. It's so refreshing to meet models with "substance" and are aware that there is more to the world beyond the runway and photography studio. Having a combination of book smarts, street smarts and a wonderful personality are all things that, in my opinion, make clients fall in love with certain models over others.